And mustard, and soy sauce. Ask for extra when you order food, and then stick them in the letter you've already written me! When I open it, I'll already be super excited to hear from you, and then there will be extra condiments!
I almost forgot to do this myself when I was ordering my final in-n-out, but luckily I remembered just in time.
This is how I choose to bid California adieu. I' m eating them RIGHT NOW! |
In case you haven't been checking on the timeline tab at the top of the page, I leave TOMORROW!!!! (Only for Philadelphia, where I'll be for about 2 days before leaving with my group of fellow volunteers at 2am for New York, to fly together to Malawi! I plan on doing awesome things like seeing one of my friends from school who lives in New Jersey, eating a cheesesteak, and visiting the Liberty Bell in my spare time)
Naturally this makes for a really awesome Father's Day. My dad is currently at work, so he can stay home tomorrow to take me to the airport. Thanks, Dad! Luckily we had an awesome brunch this morning:
Aren't we adorable? |
Since then I've been attempting to pack, rearranging suitcases, and throwing stuff like rainboots and beef jerky into a box to send to myself soon!
I should have free internet at staging in Philadelphia, so look out for a couple more updates before the Great Epoch of Silence otherwise known as Pre-Service Training, when I have zero internet. But for now, back to packing!
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