Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Boker Tov, People!

That's good morning to you (in Hebrew, pretty sure I'm going to forget it all in Malawi so gotta get it out now) from Philadelphia!  That's right, I made it.  Special shout outs to my parents for following me through the maze of a security line in SFO (no crying, but possible misty eyes for both my mom and me, yes?  Or else we were having simultaneous allergy attacks), all of the people going home from the US Open for wearing their PGA gear, and Kayla for picking me up and taking me out in Philly!  That's right y'all, I had a personal chauffeur.  It was awesome.  We went to dinner in a super cool-swanky place with chairs that hang from the ceiling.

In terms of packing, be impressed.  Or don't, because I'm a pack rat.  I was going to post before and after pictures to demonstrate how the insanity in my brother's room became 2 suitcases, a carry on, and a backpack, but my camera phone doesn't want to share right now.  I'll try later using my blogger app!  Technology is so cool. 

Plans for today include: an attempt to walk over to see the Liberty Bell in about 15 minutes, followed by a mad dash for lunch, changing into business casual attire, and Staging (!!!) from 1-7.  Then I will repeat the great end-of-Birthright feat of not sleeping in a hotel room that I only have until 2am, before leaving to drive to an airport in another city (New York) and flying off in the morning!

Ok.  Off to go attempt to make friends with the people I'll be hanging out with for the next 27 months and bond over our country's history.

1 comment:

  1. Me misty? Ok..maybe a little. Have a great time!! Glad you are already bonding with your new coworkers. I am sure we will hear all about many of them over the next 2 years. Your current friends and family will keep you current with your Hebrew.
    Love you...Shalom for now...Mom
