Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lero - Today

On this, the last day of my 23rd year, I did the following:
-greeted 12 women individually at the borehole on the way to school
-heard about all the school drama of yesterday, resulting in Form 4s boycotting school today
-finished reading Gone with the Wind as I waited to teach, tried not to cry in front of students
-taught Form 2 about tapeworm infection
-taught Form 3 about white blood cells, with a side demonstration about HIV
-talked to my catechist about my again-malfunctioning electricity, walked to the market to buy 90 meters of new wire
-on the way, chatyed with a few students about issues of poverty in America, Sastanism, and Michael Jackson, and if Michael Jackson was a Satanist
-played with my kitten
-cooked dinner using my newly-fixed electricity
-saw around 3 incredibly terrifyingly fast creepy-crawly things (possibly spiders, scorpions, or just weird insects) and decided it just wasn't worth it to stay up

So now I am hiding under my mosquito net, watching Scrubs. Not a bad day in the life of Peace Corps.