Thursday, October 3, 2013

Recent News

1. If the government is shut down, why do I still have to teach? Guess I really am "reasonably necessary". My students better appreciate this.

2. Last weekend I went to a music festival in Lilongwe called City of Stars, and it was awesome! Tons of bands from all over Africa and the world. Really good food, really cool drums, really cool backup dancers. It was the kind of concert only Malawi would put on.

3. Upon returning to the village, my electricity wasn't working. It has since been discovered that children stole some of the wire (please not this again. Seriously, what is with the kids here and their theivery?). A few days later and I still don't have power back, which is really cutting down on my nap-kitten-cuddle-tv-watching time.

4. We had a few days of unseasonably cold and rainy weather, which was AWESOME. Unfortunately the rain was one excuse the electrician gave for not fixing the wire. Something about sparks. It's dry today, though.

5. Even though I didn't really want to teach, I'm weirdly enjoying my classes. I think I'm a nerd, because who truly enjoys discussong the difference between a molecule and a compound with 50+ uninterested teenagers?

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